The Beginners Guide to Altering Mangroves in Florida

Who can trim mangroves?

You as the waterfront landowner may trim mangroves on you property, so long as you do not trim lower than 6 feet from substrate with certain stipulations. Substrate is an approximate location where the rooting structures enter the submerged lands. DEP provides a PDF – Mangrove Trimming Guidelines for Homeowners.

Can you get a permit to remove mangroves in Florida?

Yes, depending on several variables, you may obtain a permit to ‘alter’ (remove) mangroves. 403.9328 Alteration and trimming of mangroves; permit requirements.

What is the penalty for cutting mangroves in Florida?

If you are a landowner who has been charged with cutting mangroves without a permit or exemption, you may be held responsible for a fine and replanting mangrove at an increased ratio for the number or stems of mangroves to which you ‘cut.’

If you have been charged with such mangrove non-permitted trimming or alteration, you need to call WEL immediately. Dependent upon the regulatory agency responsible for your local mangrove authorizations, the penalties may grow unless addressed by qualified personnel.

Can you transplant mangroves?

Smaller mangroves may be transplanted, however transplanting past the sapling stage is impractical, inefficient, and cost prohibitive.

How much does it cost to restore mangroves?

Each mangrove restoration project is unique as is the costs associated. Much variability exists but all variables are dependent upon the local supply of mangrove seedlings.

What are the four types of mangroves in Florida?

Red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) which grow deepest into the waterbody, black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) which grow landward of the reds, and white mangrove (Laguncularia racemose) which grow even further landward, and last is buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus) which is usually found with the white mangroves in the transitional zone.


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